Wednesday, October 8, 2008

ode to who?

So for him I write these lines
Last night, who came in my dreams.
For his love’s sake, this world itself I’d forsake,
And awaken in a land where desires have wings.

Can’t believe that isn’t a choice anymore
So for jest I pen down these mysterious thoughts
Famous ol’ Poe did it too, a long, long time ago.

In secret, yet right before thine eyes, lies
That treasure by which he’s known to the world
Oh can you figure the three words so dear to me?
That are found, nestled beautifully, at the end of a prayer too.

I am beginning to blush seeing half of it here, already!
Exceedingly childish that may seem to many…
Ain’t luv quite a crazy little thing, honey?

Look closer dear; he hides between the lines.
From naught you’d have to ascend to find
The three immortal words that are my light of happiness

Alas! Though like a jewel each letter sparkles before thee
You’d neither understand this love, nor this riddle… let it be.

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